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Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's been awhile

Due to limitations beyond my control I mainly have to update this blog via phone, so we'll see how often I update from now. The Dude is growing quickly. He's saying mama, dada, a ball, apple, Angie, suzzy, and "In Dogs!". And the dogs actually listen to him when he calls them in! He already has more respect from them than me and John do. :)

The Dude is also a dancing fool. I need to upload some videos to YouTube and then I can post the dancing fool videos for you. He had also started running although that's more due to our slanted hallway. You can see the look on his face when he starts gaining momentum. Luckily the carpet stops him. But damn, it's the cutest thing ever.

The last thing that blew my mind is that somewhere, somehow the kid figured out that he needed to turn around and slide backwards, feet first in order to go down stairs, get off the bed and get off the couch. I'm super glad he learned it (its a lot better than a faceplant on the floor- yes, it's happened) but I don't know who taught him. None of the grandparents claimed it.

I guess that's it for now. I'm going to get in the habit of updating this more often. I've never fille out The Dude's baby books so this is pretty much it for the first 15 months of his life.