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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Future Jude...

Dear Future Jude,

One day, when you come to read this to see what you were like as a baby...I'll have to direct you to Facebook. Because I suck at keeping up with blogging. Ask your daddy to buy me a laptop.


P.S. At almost 20 months, you have a vocabulary of like 40+ words, can identify your hands, feet, eyes, nose, ears; you can do things to mommy's and daddy's phones that we don't know how to (I think Siri understands you better than she understands me); you dance like a maniac; you love to play drums; everyone thinks you're super adorable; you love to color; you're really well-behaved most of the time (those other times...see the picture below of you in the car seat with the sucker all over your face). You're ridiculously smart, kid.