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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Closing in on the first year

I can't believe that in less than a month, my baby, The Dude, my little bean, my peanut is going to be one. It seems surreal. My goal is to post his birth story on the one year mark. I will make it happen! The plans for the party are finally in motion. I hope everyone that loves him and cares about him can make it and can celebrate with him. I have to say it's been an amazing (almost) year.

The poor dude is sick right now, which always sucks. It's just a little virus, but that makes his asthma act up and we have to up the breathing treatments, which he hates. He doesn't like to sit still for 30 minutes and it makes him sleepy, so he fights it the whole time.

After a bath, boogies in tow

He's getting so close to walking on his own, but every time he steps out of him comfort zone he falls, which leads him to not even want to stand. So he keeps crawling at lightening speed. I still can't believe how big he is. And I can't believe how lucky Stem and I are to have him.

Cuddling with his seal- my old (fake?) beanie baby from over a decade ago

Hitting the seal on the wall. Cause that's the fun part.

Stem and I finally had a date night. The Dude stayed with Grandma K for a few hours while we dined at the fine establishment of the Fern Creek Applebees. Then we went bowling. I didn't take any pictures. Except of the awesome bowling shoes Fern Bowl had. I so wanted to steal them.

The coveted bowling shoes

A few more pictures, although the first ones totally deserve an explanation. Stem's mom (Grandma E) likes to buy The Dude clothes. She gets him awesomely fantastic clothes. The last shopping spree included 3 sleepers. One was orange stripes with a dinosaur, one was blue with guitars and the other one was white with frogs, mushrooms and hearts. I wasn't there when they were given (the weekend I was in St. Louis) but apparently my sis-in-law started laughing when Stem pulled the frog one out. The trim on it was pink and the collar had slight ruffles and of course, was pink. Of course, it was meant for a girl. Grandma E, slightly embarrassed, offered to take it back. Stem said no, and that he loved it. When I saw it, I had the same reaction. It's adorable! I have no issues with my son wearing pink. Will it have any bearing on the person he becomes? Absolutely not. Is it an adorable print? Absolutely. Does The Dude look cute in it? He looks cute in anything, so again Absolutely. It's not going anywhere and he's already worn it three times. I do have to say, it made me realize how masculine his features are already. Most babies, if dressed in the "other gender's clothes" will look like the gender those clothes were intended for. But not Jude. He looked like a little boy, wearing an outfit with some pink in it. Wow, that was a long explanation. Here's the pictures:

The closest we got to a good picture and of course, Ang is right there.

Sneak attack kisses from Ang
Getting a good picture of the two of them? Good luck.
If anyone thought Grandma E messed up with the frog outfit, then she totally redeemed herself with this one. "Every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man."

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