In the meantime (and for the rest of my life) I have to watch my sodium intake. Considering everything frozen and prepackaged and coming from a drive thru window is laden with sodium, I will not be eating tasty for awhile. I'm going to try really, really hard but my taste buds never developed past age 3. Actually, I ate better when I was three, so I kind of wish my taste buds really hadn't developed past age 3. But I'll live. It's better than looking like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (see: pictures from zoo)
Seriously, try to put a pea in my mouth. I will gag until it comes back up. This experiment has been tried and proven many, many times. The Dude does the same thing. He pretty much loves everything, but zucchini. Every time I put that spoon in his mouth and he starts to swallow, he starts gagging. Hey, it gives me a bit more credibility. People think I gag on purpose, but it's for real, an immediate body reaction that I have no control over.
Chew on this overload of cuteness (and other pictures from our life in the last week):
By the way, does anybody else have issues posting pictures without doing them in one single column? There is no easy way to format this. So stupid. If I try to caption, it won't let me line them up right either. So, the picture of him eating ice cream is from the state fair. Yay! We didn't do anything but consume mass amounts of (vastly unhealthy) food, make our yearly trip to the Fairness Booth and buy some random shit. That's pretty much our fair routine. I'd be disappointed if there was any more to it. Yeah, we spent $28 to enter and park in order to eat funnel cakes, the world's tiniest corn dog and a milkshake. All of which cost us more than the entrance fee. What was I saying again about eating healthy?
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