So of course, I start off the week amazingly by hitting a parked car's sideview mirror off. I had to leave a note. Luckily, they were nice and it should be cheap, but geez it's annoying. I hate that cadillac.
The Dude is starting to be even more awesome (if that's possible). He follows (with his eyes) me and John across the room. He has conversations with me. I can see him moving his tongue around trying to form words, but instead these adorable little coos come out. It's fantastic. I had a talk with him last week and we decided that he is going to skip crawling, and go straight to walking by the time he's six months old. The floors in my house are way too bad for him to be crawling on. We need to skip that stage.
I finally went to my first "real" party since having The Dude. I didn't do too bad. No hangover the next day. Hell, one of the people who the party was for only made it about 3 hours so I hung in there twice as long as he did. Yay! Now on to planning my birthday party. My goal is 10 people. And it will be awesome because it will be a Lady Gaga dance party. Win.
He was OUT |
John tried to wake him up...he popped his eyes open for a second... |
...but was too tired. |
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